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Real estate is a competitive business. Agents need to constantly market themselves to grow their network and get into the minds of potential leads. Many consider real estate email marketing as the best form of digital marketing and 87% of marketers use it to connect with their target audience. Newsletters are regular emails sent by businesses weekly/ monthly, containing product-focused or informative content to existing and potential customers. Real estate newsletters establish brand authority and keep agents top-of-mind for readers. They have an open rate of 22%. Here are certain elements that can make a newsletter effective:

  • Catchy Headline: The headline should be intriguing enough for the reader to open the email. It should scream, ‘Read me first!’
  • Relevant content: Include relevant information that will benefit the reader. Do not sink the newsletter by only advertising yourself.
  • Crisp format: Your newsletter should have an uncluttered layout not to put off readers.
  • Call-to-action: Newsletters with CTAs have increased clicks by 371%.
  • Mobile optimized: As more users turn to mobile devices to check emails, ensure your emails are smartphone and tablet compatible.
  • Unsubscribe: Just like email sign-up forms, unsubscribe buttons are also necessary to keep your clients satisfied.

Real Estate Newsletter Ideas

  1. Local Market Insights
  2. Feature Client Testimonials
  3. Showcase New Listings
  4. Create a Calendar of Local Events
  5. Round-Up Your Best Blog Content
  6. Run a Straw Poll
  7. Home Renovation Guide
  8. Explain Real Estate Jargon
  9. Join Hands With a Financial Expert
  10. Neighborhood Updates

Local Market Insights

Summarize the local market developments in your real estate newsletter to position yourself as an informed real estate agent in your locality. You can talk about exciting properties in your market (your listings or celebrity residences) and local real estate reports about home values, list prices, and construction. This information can be gathered from town or city council records and official websites. News publications like Property Outlook Report by Realestate.com will give you a monthly roundup about the state of the market.

Feature Client Testimonials

Client testimonials are the best real estate newsletter content to motivate your email list to sign on with you. 72% of consumers say positive testimonials and reviews increase their trust in a business. Hence ask your former clients to send in thoughts about their experience with you. You can narrate the testimonial in a story format, saying, “Once upon a time, there was a couple who dreamt of buying a home in..” to pique the reader’s interest. Happy clients are proof that you are a reliable and trustworthy real estate agent.

For example, Duolingo’s newsletter includes reviews from teachers. Teachers are a reliable source for many students and parents; hence these testimonials will be effective. The email also includes news of a contest they are running.

Showcase New Listings

Round up your latest listings and enclose them in a newsletter. This is an excellent way to market houses that have just hit the market. You can link property websites and blog articles to these emails.

Newsletters from Netflix announces the drop of the next season of marquee shows and the CTA allows users to play the show trailer and save it to their watchlist.

Impress Your Clients by Showcasing Your Listings With Styldod’s Free Real Estate Listings Flyer Templates!

Create a Calendar of Local Events

At the start of every month, find out about upcoming local events like festivals, holiday celebrations, and parades and inform readers about what they can expect at each one of them. Niche group meetings like book clubs, charitable organizations, and acapella troops will be of interest to specific sections of our audience and can make for attractive real estate newsletter content. 

Round-Up Your Best Blog Content

Round up your blog content into a real estate newsletter, depending on how often you produce blog posts. Write blog articles about topics that will be of use to your readers. Create how-to posts (e.g., how to prepare your house for a showing), evergreen articles (e.g., Things to consider while hunting for a home), and interviews with industry leaders and local experts.

Run a Straw Poll

Running a straw poll is something that can be seen in newsletters every week now. A straw poll is an unofficial vote taken to gauge popular opinion on a matter. You can poll your audience about what they feel about specific current issues (e.g., which team they are supporting in the local baseball match) or their opinion about bitcoin real estate transactions. Polls are a great way to keep readers engaged, and you can feature the answers in the following real estate newsletter. 

Ahead of the London Marathon, Bulk Powders sent out a newsletter with a poll to check how many people will be attending the event. Live votes were saved in the ESP, and this helped them prepare content for the D day. 

Home Renovation Guide

You don’t have to be Shea McGee to help out homeowners with their dream home makeover. Offer tips from your own experiences or interview a local interior designer to offer their two cents on the matter. You can even suggest contractors and professionals you swear by to help consumers with their dilemmas to create valuable real estate newsletter content.

Explain Real Estate Jargon

Real estate can be a terrifying place filled with jargon. It can add to the complexity of an already baffling process. Terms like DOM, escrow, and MLS can scare away first-time homebuyers. Create a glossary arranging words from A - Z on your blog and link it to your real estate newsletter.

Join Hands With a Financial Expert

Collaborate with a financial wizard to create informative/educational posts for homebuyers, renters, and sellers. Create a series of blog posts or videos about new government initiatives, home prices, housing affordability, mortgage reports, home loans, insurance, taxes, and foreclosures. Use your newsletter to tease the series before releasing them.

Neighborhood Updates

Get homebuyers intrigued by talking about the highlights of your neighborhood. Review the latest restaurants in town, and add a personal touch by telling them what item you liked there best. Update readers about the latest retail stores in the locality. Vegan, environment-conscious and homegrown concepts are hot, so talk about local businesses in similar areas.

Tripadvisor emails are based on on-site search behavior. They realized the person’s interest in the locality and rounded up the best hotels, parks, and eateries in the area. The text and background colors add a soft touch overall to the newsletter.

49% of customers say they love receiving emails from their favorite brands. However, most of the time, these newsletters end up in the spam box. Here is how you can ensure your emails see the light of day

Tips To Avoid The Email Trash Can 

  • Sign-up forms: Get permission through subscription before you blindly start emailing clients. Ask for sign-ups through your website/ blog.
  • Limit your emails: Do not vex subscribers with too many emails. Once a month/ week is a good number.
  • Get a reliable service provider: Use a trustworthy ESP to avoid your newsletters getting blocked.

Always include clickbait in your newsletters to excite readers. It can either be a gift voucher or an exclusive entry to your next open house. There are over 1.3 million registered real estate agents in the United States, according to NAR. So, implement the above real estate newsletter ideas to start a successful newsletter campaign to generate leads and establish you as a reliable real estate agent in your area.

Ann Alex

Ann is a thriller-loving Economics major who chose to follow her passion for writing and became a Content Writer at Styldod. A big Jeffrey Archer fan, Ann loves books, films, and everything else that gets her creative juices flowing.

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