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Real Estate Marketing

How to Create The Ultimate Real Estate Listing Presentation: 20 Tips that Actually Work!

Real estate listing presentations are how you show potential clients that you're the right person to sell their home. But many agents view the listing presentation as a chore, or worse, a nuisance. What they don't realize is that one of our most vital tasks as real estate professionals is demonstrating to prospective clients why we're the right agent for them. Not only will this help us sell their home faster and at a higher price, but it can also be an exciting challenge! All it takes is some research, preparation, and practice.

So, how do you make a powerful listing presentation to get the listing?

Here are a few tips on how to make your listing presentation

  1. Build and Maintain Your Online Presence

    The world is internet-driven today, and everyone likes to do their own research before they contact someone. Therefore building your online presence becomes important when you want to show the world what you are capable of doing.
    While you are building your online brand, stay honest with your personality and show your audience who you really are. Interact with your audience regularly, and try to answer every message or comment you receive because it is important to attract the people who are interested in working with you.

  2. Practice Your Presentation

    When you show your presentation to a client, your body language and confidence play a significant role when you want to make them interested. While it is okay to feel nervous before a presentation, we recommend that you should practice your presentation regularly, so you start feeling confident about your delivery. Doing this also helps you reduce the chances of any mistakes while presenting it to a client.

  3. Visit Active Listings in the Client’s Neighborhood/Area

    While there are a lot of real estate agents, there are hardly a few who go the extra mile to do their job better. Before meeting a client, you must check out the other active listings in his area to better understand the pricing and learn about the area. Doing this doesn't take much effort, but your client will surely get impressed with your dedication.

  4. Drop Off A Pre-Listing Package

    A Pre-Listing package that includes all your marketing material, including your marketing plan and your vision, is the key to a good start. Drop this off before your appointment and make sure it's presented well because this can play a significant role in impressing your client.

  5. Have Good Posture and Body Language (Eye Contact and Conversation are Key)

    Taking care of your body language and having a good posture is essential because more than 60% of the conversation is based on your body language. Your overall expressions, the way you position your arms and shoulders, and how you sit or stand tells a lot about your confidence. Therefore whenever you are with a client, make sure you have your back straight and don't cross your arms. Give complete attention to what your clients are trying to say.

  6. Use Social Proof to Your Advantage

    When you are trying to impress a potential client having a testimonial from your past client, or a success story can help you to establish your image better. It will also show that you have experience and knowledge in the real estate industry.

  7. Personal Statistics

    While having a social proof is excellent, a client will also be interested in knowing how well you perform and for this adding your personal statistics is necessary. Your personal statistics include the following:

    • Average days your listing spends on the market.
    • How your results compare to the market average
    • Your average list price to sales price ratio

  8. Create a Slide Deck to Stay on Task

    When you are about to give a big presentation, things can sometimes get complicated, and to avoid that, creating a slide deck becomes essential! A slide deck is a collection of slides used in a detailed presentation. Having a slide deck will let you stay focused on your presentation. It will also make it easy for you to switch pages without getting confused.

  9. Have a Marketing Plan

    Marketing is a vital part of selling your home. A solid marketing plan will help you sell your home faster and for more money than if you don't have one. Your marketing plan should include home staging, virtual staging, photography, videography, flyers, and other marketing strategies. To make it easy for you, you can contact us at Styldod, and we can help you out with all the services to have a solid marketing plan.

  10. Introduce the Power of Your Brokerage

    Having a brokerage adds value to your client's listing, so if you have a brokerage, don't forget to tell your client about what makes it stand out and how it'll help them with their listing.

  11. Ask Questions, Build Trust, and Identify Motivation

    Having a personal connection with your client is always helpful; therefore, you must get to know them before starting your presentation. Here are some of the questions you can ask your client so you can get to know them better:

    • Why are they selling the home, and when are they planning to move?
    • What is their priority? Selling the home faster or at the best price?
    • Their past experience with selling homes and how it was like
    • If the home they are planning to sell has any hidden problems
    • What their ideal listing agent would look like
    • Whether they have any alternative plans if their property doesn't sell

  12. Tour The Home

    Once you know your client better, asking them for a home tour is always a good idea, and we are sure that your client will feel good about giving you a tour as well. While you are taking a tour, try to point out what isn't right inside the home so it can help you with the price later. Tell them about the work that's needed to make the home better and carefully inspect your surroundings.

  13. Talk About What Will Happen When the Listing Goes Live

    Once your clients are clear about the pre-listing strategy, talk about what will happen when the listing goes live. Tell them about the online exposure and other houses and try to solve their doubts. You can also use this chance to show your service level by telling them how often you or someone from your team will stay in touch with them for updates and feedback on their listing.

  14. Discuss the Current Local Market

    Show off your knowledge about the real estate market by discussing the current market stats with your clients. Give them information on what types of homes are on sale and what homes sell faster? Talk about whether it's a buyer's market or a seller's market. Give them details about their local neighborhood and how it plays a role in affecting the price. Doing this will leave a good impression on the client, and it will also make them aware of the market situation.

  15. Neighborhood Comp Analysis

    Always stay ready with comp analysis while you are giving a presentation. Look for five to six homes in your neighborhood that are similar to your client's home, and tell them about the sale price, available and sold comps, and the days spent on the market.

  16. Outline Your Pricing Strategy

    Tell your clients about how you determine the home's value so they can know if you will price their home above the market value or lower than it.

  17. Explain Your Sales Process

    Every real estate agent follows a different pricing strategy; therefore, you must explain your sales process to every potential client you meet. Explain every detail from the pre-listing to closing so your clients know how you work and what they can expect while working with you.

  18. Don’t Be a “Yes” Agent to Win New Business

    Many sellers will try to see if they can negotiate with you for a better deal when you are in the market. However, we recommend that you stay true to your terms instead of turning into a "Yes" agent so you can win new business.

  19. Prepare For Some Objections and Lots of Questions

    Anyone who trusts you with their home will have some questions, so it is advisable to stay prepared for them. Some of these questions include:

    • What makes you stand out in the market? How are you different from other agents?
    • How many homes have you sold before?
    • Tell us about your experience in the real estate market.
    • Do you have a list price in your mind for my home?
    • What are your marketing strategies for selling a home?
    • How many clients do you work with? Will your workload affect my listing?
  20. Follow up with a Thank You Note

    Even when you don't close the deal, make sure you send your potential clients a thank you note because that will leave a good impression on them, and they might get you some business in the future.

Rahul Agrawal

Co-founder and Chief Business Officer at Styldod

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