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Real Estate Marketing

Real Estate Headshots: Guide to Picture-Perfect Portraits

Real estate headshots play a crucial role in establishing a strong online presence for real estate agents. In today's digital age, where property buyers and sellers engage online before meeting in person, having captivating real estate headshots is a must. These professional portraits enable agents to make a lasting impression and build trust with potential clients, enhancing their overall brand image. With the rise of property listing websites and social media platforms, showcasing your personality and professionalism through well-crafted real estate headshots has become more important than ever.

3 Strong Reasons You Need Real Estate Headshots

Modern real estate headshots have become a must-have for every agent in today's industry. With their versatility, these professional images can be seamlessly incorporated into websites and marketing materials. Here are three compelling reasons why investing in modern real estate headshots is essential for every agent:

  1. Allows People to Find You

    Of course, in-person networking is crucial despite world digitalizing. However, today almost everyone starts their homebuying journey online! According to the National Association of Realtors (NARS) 2021 Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report, 43% of homebuyers will begin their home buying journey online before contacting a real estate agent first.With these statistics, it is indeed necessary for you to have a strong online presence! And to start with a good online identity, you need to begin by creating real estate headshots for people to find your business.

  2. Creates a Strong First Impression

    Your first impression needs to be strong enough to be able to attract clients. A buyer is more likely to trust you, like you and find you competent in the first meeting itself. And what's better than a picture to create a strong impression on someone?

    Your headshots matter as much as your work does. Include a professional-looking headshot to give out the message that you are a trustworthy individual in the business. Avoid overly casual real estate headshots. It shows disorganization and immaturity.

  3. Eliminates Doubts

    When you include your face in your marketing material, your clients will be able to put more trust in your business. Furthermore, try to include the latest headshots to instill more trust because if your client is not able to recognize you, they will be clouded with doubts, and that's the last thing anyone running a business would want.

    A headshot creates a reliable identity. Your online presence matters, and it begins with including a professional real estate headshot. Now, the question here is - how to create the perfect headshot that makes you seem trustworthy, professional and likeable at the same time?

How Can You Get the Best Real Estate Headshots?

Taking perfect real estate headshot photos is no joke. It's not easy, and no one cannot simply click a candid and stick it in every marketing poster! A lot of thought process goes into it. These nine tips will help you capture the perfect professional real estate agent headshot you need for your real estate business:

  1. Understand Your Target Audience

    Your clientele has a lot to do with how you take your headshot. Analyze the market you sell homes for. You need to dissect their age, social layer, interests, etc., to attract them. All of this is important for deciding the right kind of clothes, location, makeup, and poses.For example, if you sell luxury homes, your images need to surpass the high taste and meet higher requirements. In contrast, images for selling homes in mountainous areas will go through different requirements.

  2. Search Your Competitors

    Before beginning anything new, always develop the habit of researching your competitors. You need to have an understanding of what other experts in your industry are doing to get an idea of what you can follow.

    Moreover, not everyone is comfortable in front of the camera. And if you are one who is not excited about being photographed, reviewing what other real estate agents are doing can be an excellent source of inspiration! By looking at others' headshots, you get an idea of how to post, which background to apply, what expression to hold, and what hairstyle to go for.

  3. Dress the Right Way

    Think of your headshots as a client meeting. Before any client meeting, you are going to get dressed and look professional. Similarly, get dressed the right way as if you are attending a client meeting because first impressions matter.

    Choose clothing that makes you feel comfortable and confident and represents your target audience. For example, if you are a commercial real estate agent, go for a suit and tie. If you deal with residential properties, a more casual tone is better. Most agents avoid bright or neon colors, busy patterns, over-the-top trending clothes, too loose fits, or excessive jewelry.

  4. Get Professional Hair and Makeup Done

    Real estate agent headshots are going to be used everywhere, from real estate bios to social media, flyers and business cards. Hence, it is necessary to look your best. To get that best look, consider getting a professional hair and makeup artist involved before your photoshoot.

    Even if you are confident in doing your own makeup, it is highly unlikely that you will end up with the same results as an artist. If you get a professional's help, they are going to make you look and feel the best version of yourself. This will boost your confidence and boost more professional opportunities to generate leads in the long term.

  5. Ditch Patterns for Solid Colors

    When choosing your real estate headshot outfit, it's best to steer clear of vibrant colors that can be overly distracting. Opt for a more polished and formal appearance by selecting solid colors such as black, grey, white, and others.

  6. Have Minimal Jewelry

    To avoid terrible real estate agent headshots, keep your jewelry minimal or skip it altogether. The focus should be on your face and the services you provide, allowing clients to connect with you and trust your expertise.

  7. Keep in Mind the Poses

    If you are a camera-shy person, you can try some power poses that can make your body feel more confident. These power poses include crossing arms across your chest with a smile on your face or resting them on your hips while standing in a confident posture. Don't slouch; that makes you look too laid back and unprofessional. Try to pose, leaning more towards the camera. Communicate more confidence and success with each photograph!

  8. Pick a Proper Background

    An appropriate background is going to enhance your image, and it is something that people don't tend to focus on! A blank canvas is everyone's first choice as their background. It is the safest choice since it makes people focus more on your face and get less distracted from the background.

    You can even choose a blurred natural background that focuses on your work. For example, if you sell houses in an urban area, include blurred photos of the streets or buildings. You can use a natural backdrop like blurred-out fields or forests if you deal with rural areas.

  9. Let a Professional Handle the Editing

    If you have decided to take your headshot on your own and want help in image retouching, you can contact us! We will get your image edited and enhanced with the right amount of sharpness, brightness, contrast and saturation it needs.

    Now getting your photos edited is simple with three easy steps!

    • Upload your photo with your requirements
    • Let our team of talented professionals handle the editing
    • Expect a turnaround time of 2 business days!

Get Multiple Headshots for Different Purposes!

If you have captured the perfect realtor headshot by following the above steps, you are most likely to develop an urge to use it everywhere and in every marketing material. However, don't try to make that single image work everywhere because different dimensions might need different kinds of backdrops. For example, a plain black background is perfect for headshot images that need to be printed on a business card or is to be viewed as a thumbnail. They look less cluttered. Similarly, a lifestyle portrait will feel better on a flyer or on social media. It will radiate your confidence.

Moreover, always ensure you get high-resolution image copies for your website or print material. Low-resolution photos look blurry and unprofessional.

Platforms to Add Your Real Estate Headshot

Here is a list of all the channels you can add your headshot to:

  • LinkedIn
  • Email Signature
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Realty Network Sites
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Platforms for Professionals

Real Estate Headshot Ideas

Here are some creative real estate agent headshot photo ideas to inspire your professional portraits.

Real Estate Flyers for You!

Once you have taken your real estate headshots, you can use them in marketing flyers to advertise your business. Use our free real estate flyer templates to stand out from your competitors and promote your business effectively!


  1. What to wear for real estate headshot?
    When selecting an outfit for your headshots, opt for solid colors and avoid bold patterns or prints. Remember, the focus should be on your face, not your clothing or accessories. Dress in a way that reflects your brand and the image you want to convey to clients. Choose an outfit that you would wear when meeting with clients to establish trust and authenticity in your portraits.

Rahul Agrawal

Co-founder and Chief Business Officer at Styldod

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