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Social media marketing

From Likes to Leads: Mastering Facebook for Real Estate Agent Growth

Even in the TikTok-dominated era, your real estate agent's Facebook page remains a cornerstone of your online brand. This is particularly significant considering that millennials, the demographic most inclined to engage in real estate transactions, still constitute the largest user group on Facebook. Notably, even baby boomers continue to embrace Facebook, making it a prime territory for potential leads.

Creating a Facebook page for real estate doesn't have to be a daunting task, especially when guided by our step-by-step tutorial. We'll lead you through the process, offering expert insights to help you leverage everything Facebook (and Meta) brings to the table. Best part? You can accomplish it all in just an afternoon.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads

1. Set Up A Facebook Business Page

To kick off your online presence, the first step is setting up a Facebook business page. But before diving in, ensure you have a personal Facebook profile – it's a prerequisite. The good news is, your personal details stay private as your personal account remains separated from your business page.

If you're not already on Facebook, create your personal account. Once that's sorted, head to the Pages section in the menu and select "Create New Page" when you're ready to get your business page rolling.

Now, when naming your page, go beyond your first and last name.

Include something indicative of your profession, like "Realtor" or "Real Estate Agent." This simple tweak helps visitors distinguish between your personal and professional online presence. If you're part of a team or have a brand name, consider using that instead of your personal name.

For the category, pinpoint the one that best aligns with your business:

• Real Estate Agent

• Real Estate Company

• Commercial Real Estate Agency

• Real Estate Developer

By making these strategic choices during the setup, you're laying a solid foundation for your business's visibility on the world's largest social media platform.

2. Upload Your Visual Assets

Visual Assets for Real Estate Facebook Profile

Now that you've laid the foundation for your real estate agent Facebook page, it's time to give it a visual makeover. Enhancing your page with captivating images and videos is the next step. Directly upload your visual assets to the platform, allowing you to adjust and crop them seamlessly. Just ensure you have the necessary permissions for all the photos you're adding to Meta and Facebook.

Cover Image

Let's start with the cover image – that significant, rectangular backdrop behind your profile picture. A compelling cover image should not only be visually appealing but also complement your profile picture while conveying something about your work. For instance, if you specialize in selling picturesque farm properties in Iceland, opt for a landscape photo showcasing the green hills. Selling oceanfront in Hawaii? Your photo should capture the essence of those turquoise waters. This is your chance to visually connect with your target market. Feeling uncertain? A group photo of your cheerful and confident team is always a reliable choice.

Consider adding text or a logo to your cover image. Keep in mind that Facebook trims 90 pixels from the left and right sides of your cover image on mobile, so ensure your text is centered and doesn't hug the edges too closely.

When it comes to design, you have a couple of routes to explore. You can experiment with a design app like Canva, or if you prefer a professionally crafted cover image, you can hire a freelancer to do the job for you.

Profile Image

Feel free to select any image that resonates with you for your profile, but we highly recommend opting for a headshot that exudes trustworthiness, competence, and confidence – in that precise order.

Be mindful of Meta's image specifications for Facebook. While you need not overly obsess about achieving "high-res" quality, keep in mind that the dimensions will be 176 pixels by 176 pixels on desktop and 196 by 196 on mobile. Ensure your head is appropriately centered, considering that the image will be cropped into a circle. This way, your profile picture will present you in the best light, emphasizing professionalism and approachability.

3. Finalize the 'About' Section

About section for Real Estate Agent Facebook page

Moving forward, agents should direct their attention to completing the crucial "About" section. This segment serves as a vital source of information for your page visitors, offering insights into your business and the services you provide. Agents should craft a compelling business description, highlight their expertise, and outline the range of services they offer. Additionally, it's essential to include contact details such as your business address, operating hours, phone number, email, and website, ensuring prospective clients can easily reach out to you.

Once you've covered all bases in the "About" section, it's advisable to assess your page's overall well-being under the "Posts" tab. This section provides a health ranking for your page compared to similar Realtor Facebook pages. Action items, such as incorporating an action button or linking your WhatsApp account, will be suggested to optimize your page further. These recommendations are designed to guide you in completing the setup, expanding your audience, and creating meaningful connections.

4. Stay In the Loop with Push Notifications

In the fast-paced world of social media, prompt responses are the norm. To meet this expectation, ensure that you receive immediate notifications when someone engages with your page—be it through a "like," comment, or inquiry. Adjust your notification settings by clicking on the bell icon in the menu to stay on top of interactions and provide timely responses to your audience.

5. Organize Your Systems

Before diving into Facebook advertising to draw leads to your website's landing pages, it's crucial to ensure that your real estate website is primed for conversion. It may seem like a no-brainer, but surprisingly, many agents overlook this fundamental step.

Invest some time in strategizing how to seamlessly integrate your Facebook leads, customer relationship manager (CRM), and website. If these key tools for lead generation and nurturing aren't in sync, creating your real estate agent's Facebook page becomes a useless effort.

6. Preview & Go Live

Once you've fine-tuned your page to meet your specific requirements, it's time to unveil it to the world. However, before hitting that publish button, take a moment to preview your page. Verify that all the intended elements are in place, ensuring image clarity, grammar correctness, and overall professionalism in the appearance of your site.

7. Expand Your Page's Reach by Inviting Friends

After successfully creating your Facebook Page, the next step is to introduce it to a broader audience, and what better way to kick things off than with your personal network? Facebook simplifies this process by seamlessly integrating an option to invite friends right from the get-go. Taking advantage of this feature ensures that your personal contacts receive notifications about your newly created Page, extending an invitation to like or follow it. This initial outreach sets the stage for growing your Page's following and engagement.

How to Get Real Estate Leads on Facebook

1. Maintain a Consistent Posting Schedule

Posting consistently

Building a strong Facebook page relies on consistent and quality content. Regular posts not only increase your visibility but also engage a broader audience. By showing up in people's feeds consistently, you enhance the chances of interaction. So, daily doses of valuable content are key to growing your presence.

2. Precisely Target Your Audience Through Ads

Real Estate Agent Ads

If you have room in your budget for advertising, consider allocating funds to Facebook ads. While traditional advertising channels like industry publications and local media have their perks, Facebook ads open up new possibilities by reaching a larger, more specific audience.

The Meta Business Suite provides a range of advertising opportunities on both Facebook and Instagram. Explore various formats and placements to align with your objectives. For instance, a carousel ad proves effective when advertising a listing and aiming to showcase multiple images.

The inclusion of a Call to Action (CTA) in your Facebook ads is important for lead generation. Create an engaging ad that prompts users to pause their scrolling and respond to your CTA, whether it's to learn more about your offerings or to reach out directly.

3. Maintain a Consistent Tone and Evoke Emotion

An essential element in your strategy for generating real estate leads on Facebook is the tone of your communication. How you connect with your audience becomes a defining aspect of your real estate brand as you establish your presence online. Your social media content should possess a distinctive, memorable, and friendly quality, ideally stirring some form of emotion—be it amusement, knowledge acquisition, or contemplation. Ultimately, content that elicits an emotional response naturally enhances familiarity and trust among your leads and followers.

Here are three effective approaches to evoke emotions among your social media followers on Facebook:

a. Inject Humor

Humor post for Facebook

Social media often serves as an escape, making the sharing of light-hearted content a potent engagement booster. Laughter, on a biological level, fosters trust. After all, people typically don't share a laugh with someone they find uncomfortable or dubious.

Moreover, humorous content is highly shareable and drives increased engagement. A significant 80% of professional marketers acknowledge that funny content stands out as the most effective type on social media. According to a 2022 study, 28% of social media users even expressed a preference for funny content over inspiring, relatable, or informative content. When creating your Facebook strategy for real estate leads, don't underestimate the persuasive power of humor.

b. Provide Knowledge

Informational post on Facebook

Rather than merely asserting your skills and knowledge, showcase your expertise by disseminating unique insights into home buying or selling. While people might believe you're a real estate expert, they're more likely to remember and want to work with you when you share content that specifically aids them in addressing a question or solving a problem.

c. Stimulate Thought

Amidst amusing and informative posts, engage a different facet of your audience with thought-provoking content. Share material that inspires or captivates your clients and followers, including both personal and professional themes. For instance, share articles or pose questions about goals, leadership, personal growth, relationships, and even mental and emotional health. Consider narrating personal experiences or those of friends, detailing lessons learned and growth experienced.

While these social media posts might not generate uproarious laughter, they serve as a tool for building trust. Authentic content that reveals vulnerability allows others to emotionally connect with you.

4. Engage in Facebook Groups

Facebook groups for Real Estate Agents

In any social media strategy for real estate agents, Facebook groups play an important role. According to research, the average engagement for a Facebook page post is a mere 0.07%. In contrast, numerous studies highlight that active Facebook groups boast an impressive engagement rate exceeding 80%. Therefore, being active in Facebook groups emerges as a powerful organic strategy to navigate the Facebook algorithm, ensuring you reach a substantial audience within your target demographic.

These groups often consist of highly focused individuals, like residents of specific neighborhoods or professionals in particular cities or regions. Your local area is likely teeming with relevant Facebook groups, ranging from neighborhood-specific communities to those centered around niche interests such as pets, parenting, or local businesses. Exploring and actively participating in these groups can significantly enhance your reach and effectiveness in tapping into potential leads.

5. Create Advertising Campaigns And Boost Posts

Once your Facebook real estate presence is up and running, and you've successfully garnered a few leads, it's time to boost your impact. This involves two primary strategies: boosting posts and running targeted advertising campaigns.

Boosting individual Facebook posts is a straightforward and cost-effective approach. With as little as $1 per day, you can boost a post, ensuring it reaches a highly specific audience. On the flip side, diving into real estate ads on Facebook can generate a substantial return on investment (ROI), though it demands an investment in time, money, and a bit of trial and error.

When you opt to boost or promote a Facebook post, you're essentially investing in boosting an existing piece of content. This method offers a more organic feel to viewers and provides a direct and efficient way to share a particular announcement, post, or listing in a short time frame.

However, it's crucial to note that while boosting a post is generally more affordable, it doesn't grant you the extensive placement and targeting capabilities available with Facebook ads. Despite being a budget-friendly option, it may not be as powerful in reaching, attracting, and converting your intended audience.

6. Incentivize Referrals for Real Estate Leads on Facebook

Who doesn't love a good freebie? Offering rewards to individuals who bring you referrals can be a highly effective marketing strategy. The returns you can reap from referrals often outweigh the cost of a small reward. Plus, people are more inclined to refer others when there's something in it for them. Your rewards can range from a tempting food voucher, and a branded gift card, to even a complimentary cleaning service for their home. Give this approach a shot and witness your real estate business flourish.

7. Using CRM for Lead Connection and Conversion

In the world of real estate, relying solely on stellar Facebook marketing won't guarantee instant success. While Facebook serves as a powerful tool for generating targeted leads, the key lies in effectively connecting with these leads and transforming them into clients.

Without a systematic approach to engage each new lead from Facebook, valuable opportunities might slip away. To ensure you don't miss out on potential business, it's important to stay organized and stay on top of your leads. This is where a customer relationship management (CRM) tool comes into play. Numerous real estate-specific CRMs are tailored to simplify tracking and engagement, empowering you to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.

Examples of Real Estate Facebook Pages:

(Left Empty as Mentioned in Brief)

Closing Thoughts

Creating a Facebook page for your real estate agency can be a highly effective initiative for lead generation and marketing. Once you've laid the foundation with a fundamental page setup, you can kick off your promotional efforts by highlighting open houses through sponsored posts. Furthermore, incorporating the additional recommendations highlighted on our blog can enhance your visibility while making you stand out in the competitive real estate market.

Shital Gohil

Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Styldod

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