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Social media marketing

7 Steps to Craft a Real Estate Social Media Calendar

In today's digital world, social media is crucial for real estate agencies to connect with clients, display properties, and establish their identity. But just posting now and then isn't enough for success; it needs a smart plan. A key part of that plan is a well-organized social media calendar. In this blog, we'll talk about why being consistent in real estate marketing matters and walk you through making a social media calendar that works for your goals.

What's a Real Estate Social Media Calendar?

A real estate social media calendar is like a timetable that shows when and what you'll post on your social media. It's a smart tool to manage your posts, making sure you always have a steady and interesting presence.

Think of it as a guide for your content – it helps plan, organize, and schedule what you share online. This way, your activities have a clear purpose, and you're not just posting without seeing any results.

Benefits of Planning with a Social Media Calendar for Real Estate Agents

A social media calendar is like a planner for your real estate marketing. It helps you organize and schedule your posts ahead of time. Here's why it's handy for your agency:

1. Smart Planning

With a calendar, you can plan your posts smartly. You can match your posts with important dates, events, holidays, and property listings. This way, your content stays relevant and timely.

2. Regular Posting

Consistency is key to keeping your audience interested. With a social media calendar, you can schedule posts regularly. This avoids gaps in your content and keeps your audience engaged.

3. Time Saver

Planning and scheduling posts ahead of time saves you lots of time. You can set aside specific times to create content, making your social media work more efficient.

4. Variety in Content

A social media calendar helps you mix up your content. You can plan a range of posts, from property listings to market insights, client stories, and behind-the-scenes looks at your agency. This variety keeps your audience interested and engaged.

Steps to Create a Real Estate Social Media Calendar

Step 1: Choosing Your Social Media Platforms and Posting Schedule

Social media platforms have different strengths and weaknesses, especially for real estate agents. Instead of trying to use all of them at once, focus on one or two initially. You can either ignore the others or use them casually. Starting with Facebook and Instagram is a good idea because they usually give you the best results for your time.

After a few months of getting comfortable with these platforms, you can add another one to your focus. Pinterest is a good choice, and then maybe YouTube once you feel confident with Pinterest. If you don't really enjoy Twitter or LinkedIn, they don't have to be your priority unless your niche is closely connected to businesses.

Your Posting Schedule

Different platforms have different expectations for how often you should post. Consider these standards, but also be realistic about the time you can spend on social media. You can start with a slower posting frequency and increase it as you become more familiar with the platforms.

Here are the general posting guidelines:

Facebook and Instagram: Aim for at least 3 posts per week.

Twitter: If you're really into it, tweet at least 5 times a day. But 3 posts per week can show you're active.

Pinterest: You should pin multiple times a day, mostly repinning others' work. You can create 1 original pin per week to go with your blog post.

YouTube: Try to post once a week.

LinkedIn: Post once a week casually, or 3-4 times a week if you're focusing on LinkedIn.

Remember to check your feeds daily, if not multiple times a day, to engage with other users. It's a significant time commitment, but it's more enjoyable than cold calling!

Step 2: Creating Content Pillars

Content pillars are like main themes or topics that you regularly talk about.

They're important because they give your content a clear purpose and direction. They're useful because they help you stay organized. Instead of brainstorming new ideas every time you plan your content, you can focus on posts related to each of your pillars.

Having too few pillars can make your content too limited, but having too many defeats the purpose. For most real estate agents, having four to six pillars works best. Your social media content plan will include a mix of posts related to these different pillars.

Here's a big list of real estate content pillars you can choose from:

Listings (which every agent should have)

Updates and insights about the market

Tips for buyers and sellers

Personal stories (letting your followers know you as a person is important)

Local knowledge (guides to neighborhoods, events, profiles of businesses, etc.)

Home improvement and design

Humor (like real estate memes)

Home Inspiration

Stories about your clients

Step 3: Content Series Creation

Here's a smart move: make regular content series.

Serialized content, such as "Home Tips Tuesday" or "Q&A Wednesday", makes planning content easier by giving it a structure.

It not only adds consistency to your content but also encourages followers to engage regularly.

You can have series on a weekly or monthly basis, maybe even both.

Just keep a balance — don't make your whole content plan series-based. Having two or three series adds structure while still leaving space for other types of content.

Additional tips for real estate content series:

Connect them with your main content themes.

Ensure they bring value to your audience.

Pick a wide and interesting topic for your series to have plenty of content.

Create a recognizable visual style for your series to make it familiar.

Stick to a regular schedule for posting.

Step 4: Brainstorm Topics for Each Purpose

Now comes the fun part: thinking up topics for your posts, and using your purposes as a guide.

Here are some examples:

To Educate: Tips for Buyers Today, Frequently Asked Questions for Sellers, Dispelling Homeowner Myths

To Entertain: Before and After Photos, The Most Expensive Property of the Month, Fun Polls

To Build Trust: Updates on the Market, Stories from Satisfied Clients, Links to Your Blog Articles

Take note that these subjects lack a high level of specificity. You could easily think of many different buyer tips or funny polls or local events coming up.

You’ll need plenty of different posts, and this general framework will help you stay on track while brainstorming specific ideas for your posts.

Step 5: Plug Specific Ideas into Your Calendar

Now that you have your goals and topics in mind, it's time to organize your social media calendar for real estate agents.

You can use tools like Outlook, a day planner, a spreadsheet, or a simple notebook. If you prefer, you can also buy a social media planner template from Etsy for a few bucks. Choose whatever method works best for you.

Start by marking dates and platforms for each post. This helps you see where your ideas will fit. Begin by scheduling your blog post promotions. If you publish one blog post every week, make sure to promote it across all your active social media platforms. It's an easy way to fill in your calendar.

Many agents find it helpful to schedule posts around holidays and fun "national" days (like National Ice Cream Day!). After that, add in the specific ideas you brainstormed earlier to complete your real estate agent social media calendar.

A couple of important tips:

Vary your content by platform since some people follow you on multiple platforms. Avoid posting the same thing across all platforms each time.

Consider that some followers might only be on one platform, so it's okay to use the same idea across all platforms, just not simultaneously.

Don't be afraid to repeat your posts. With so much happening on social media, your followers might miss something interesting. Feel free to repost your content from time to time.

Step 6: Stick to Your Social Media Schedule

Make a commitment to stick to the schedule you've set for posting on social media. It's important to follow through and take action on your plans!

Set aside some time each day to check your social media accounts and post the content you've scheduled.

If you find it hard to post every day, there are tools that can help automate the process. If you can afford it, investing in a tool to schedule and publish your posts automatically can save you time.

Step 7: Keep an Eye on the Performance

Regularly keep track of how well your social media posts are doing. Pay attention to things like how much people engage with your posts, how many clicks you get, and if you're generating leads. Use this information to improve your content strategy and make your posting schedule even better as time goes on.

Closing Thoughts

Crafting a real estate social media calendar is a powerful strategy for maximizing your online presence and driving meaningful connections with your audience. By following these steps and embracing a proactive approach to content planning, you can elevate your social media presence and position yourself for long-term success in the competitive real estate market. Remember, consistency is key, so stay committed to your calendar and watch your online presence flourish. Happy posting!

Shital Gohil

Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Styldod

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