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Social media marketing

Top 22 Real Estate Social Media Marketing Strategies for Realtors in 2024

Christie M
March 21, 2021

Gone are the days of conventional marketing and cold calls. The real estate industry thrives online now. Anyone can grow their business using social media in this age. Whether you are a well-established real estate business or an entrepreneur, quality service combined with the right social media strategy can fetch you outstanding results. We have curated some tips and tricks to get you started on your journey as you get a foothold in the exciting world of real estate on social media. Whether you're a new agent looking to stand out, or an experienced professional aiming to expand your circle of influence, these insights are the perfect place to get started.

Top Real Estate Social Media Marketing Strategies

Check out the following real estate marketing strategies and elevate your social media presence:

Unlock the Potential of Social Media Marketing

While developing a social media marketing strategy as a real estate agent, every beginner is faced with the dilemma of what to post, when to post, and how much to post. Depending on your business’s target market and social media analytics, you can make the decision. Stories are more popular among millennials than posting because they are fun, fleeting, and disappear after 24 hours. The recently introduced reels are very much GenZ-approved as they resemble TikTok and compensate for the app’s ban in many countries. The best time to post is during lunchtime 11 am-1 pm and evenings 7-9 pm, and 1 or 2 posts a day is considered ideal. Anything more will come across as desperate and pushy and will give your followers the wrong impression.

Identify Your Target Audience

A key approach in real estate social media marketing is identifying the audience you want to reach. By getting an understanding of who your potential clients are and what they need, you can customize your content to their particular interests rather than casting a wide net and attempting to reach everyone. For example, your strategy for first-time home buyers should differ from the approach for commercial property buyers. Similarly, if you want to market a house to the younger generation, it's important to consider switching your marketing channels. While the younger generation tends to prefer TikTok or Instagram, you would more likely find an older client base on Facebook. By understanding this, you can deliver highly relevant and personalized content, and gain active followers, thereby generating leads.

Tailor Content to Your Audience’s Needs

Promoting real estate on social media can be tricky if not done the right way. Conduct a poll to see what type of content your followers are keen to see. 360-degree photos on Facebook are fresh and will keep your followers engaged. Who doesn’t love an aesthetic Instagram profile? Plan your posts to get that Instagram symmetry right. Videos have a high SEO ranking, and beautiful pictures of properties with details always have an audience because who doesn’t dream of the perfect house? This not only increases your social media engagement but also builds a sense of involvement with your followers.

Focus on Engagement

Encourage follower participation on social media by posting engaging content like “this or that” polls on different styles, or asking questions that prompt your audience to share their opinions and ideas. This will help you generate activity on your posts and gain valuable insights into what are your audience’s likes and dislikes. This will, in turn, help you in creating user-generated content in the future, and also increase your visibility due to increased engagement.

If you are new to social media, be sure to follow local businesses and professionals, respond to comments or direct messages, and engage in a way to build meaningful connections and maintain active conversations.

Utilize Useful Social Media Tools

Being a real estate agent, managing several properties and marketing them online can be quite overwhelming. There are several tools designed to help you cope with your social media management. 

  • Hootsuite is going to be your savior when it comes to posting. One cannot sit at your desk planning posts every day. Hootsuite allows you to schedule your content early on so that your time is well managed and your business grows even in your sleep.
  • Bit.ly is a URL shortening and tracking platform. It allows you to customize and compress links to make them identifiable. It also provides stats on how many times your links were clicked on.
  • Canva will come in handy in creating beautiful designs to adorn your social media feeds. Logos, flyers, posters, and cards are some of the many things that can be easily created using this software.
Download Styldod's Free Real Estate Flyer Templates to Give a Creative Spin to Your Content!

Master the Art of Writing Great Titles and Captions

While posting your social media content, it is important to craft appealing titles and caption that evokes emotions in your audience. You might not get good engagement on your post if your audience doesn’t connect with the captions. It's important to understand that facts, details, and data alone don't drive people. Your audience consists of humans driven by emotions. When writing titles for your real estate social media content, your goal is to connect with at least one of those emotions.

Here are a couple of tips to craft impactful captions or titles: 

  • Generate FOMO with a sense of urgency
  • Keep them concise
  • Use alliteration
  • Use numbers
  • Enhance curiosity with brackets

Once you master the art of writing titles that use relevant keywords and tap into emotions, you'll notice increased engagement. Increased engagement will give a positive signal to the algorithm, resulting in a win-win situation for your content.

Diversify the Type of Content You Post

While posting property listings is essential, overflowing your entire social media profile with constant listings can lead to reduced engagement and uninterested followers. According to data from the National Association of Realtors, 46% of buyers seek knowledge about their search areas. To maintain and expand your audience, you can consider including local insights into your real estate content, like events, or any new openings in the neighborhood. By diversifying your social media posts and crafting engaging content that extends beyond simple listings, you can not only keep your followers actively engaged but also build lasting relationships with them over time.

Build a Community

Align your real estate and social media efforts to cultivate lasting connections with your followers. They might engage with your content at first, but it's the sense of community that keeps them coming back. By building a community with similar interests, you create opportunities for potential clients to transition into your best clients in the future, highlighting the long-term benefits of social media.

Share Educational Content

It's important to share informational content for prospective clients in real estate. By sharing honest insights about the current industry and market news, both the good and the bad, you help them in making informed decisions. When talking to sellers, be transparent about market conditions and manage their expectations. Be honest about how you can help them get the most value for their home in the current market instead of being extremely optimistic. While a lot of people rely on Zillow for such information, it's important to establish yourself as a credible expert in your niche. Share knowledge going beyond what they might find on well-known platforms. This builds trust and establishes you as a credible source of information in the real estate world.

Delight your Audience with Entertaining Posts

Never miss an opportunity to entertain your audience. Memes have been around for a while, and occasionally posting them will bring a smile to your followers’ faces. Social media live sessions, questions and answers, and takeovers by popular influencers are fantastic ways to keep your virtual family entertained.

Harness Successful #Clientdiaries and Testimonials

Realtors can easily get caught up in the act of marketing their enterprise online, thereby forgetting that humanity and trust are the pillars of any long-standing business. Once in a while, we need to make an effort to connect with our audience on a human level. Testimonials are a great way to initiate this. Start a #clientdiaries series to document your clients’ journey from your first meeting till you close the deal. People love success stories, and this trick will keep them coming back for more.

Generate Excitement with Fun Contests/Giveaways

Organize fun contests and games to engage your audience. It can be a scavenger hunt in your neighborhood or a treasure hunt at your new listing (if the clients are game for it). Photo contests where people send pictures of their home renovations/ garden and holiday contests to upload their best decor/costumes, the list is endless! Details of the event can be put up on your social media accounts, and tickets to popular events/shows or even gift cards can be given away to winners. While launching a new service, give a glimpse of your virtual family and make them guess what it is. This will build curiosity in them and make the process more exciting.

Respond To Comments, Good And Bad

Respond promptly and professionally to everyone who leaves a comment on your social media posts. Respond courteously to positive comments, but remember that it’s not necessary to respond to criticism. By maintaining a joyous and understanding attitude, you will be able to effectively engage with your social media audience and address the concerns of your potential customers.

Boost your Reach with Social Media Ads

Organic traffic is significant, but it can be time-consuming. Paid social media marketing is an excellent option to get quick traction. Facebook and Instagram ads make sure you reach your target audience by collecting their search/ interest data and showing your content to the right people. They have proven to be much more useful than conventional advertising that uses the throw-and-see-what-sticks approach.

Record Milestones

Do not shy away from showing your clients how well your business is doing. Record milestones on all your social platforms. From reaching a certain number of followers and thanking them, to being recognized with awards and accolades for your meaningful work, every step counts in creating the big picture. This helps you in building a strong social media presence that reflects your success and dedication in the real estate industry.

Post On Observance Days

Observance days are a blessing if you tend to run out of content. Every day is a national/international something day. Make use of these opportunities to wish your followers on all social media channels, educate them about the importance of the day, and inform them how your business is taking steps to make the world a better place.

Promote Yourself Like a Brand

The aim of promoting your real estate business online is to get leads and inquiries. To ensure that, you need to provide all your details transparently. Furnish your address and contact details on your agent bio. Link your social profiles wherever possible- on websites, newsletters, and emails. Make sure you reply to messages promptly so as not to lose potential clients. Join online groups, retweet, and respond to comments to connect further with your audience.

Stay Connected with Your Past Clients

Invite your previous buyers and sellers to join you on social media and establish a lively community of shared experiences. It’s common to get occupied with acquiring new clients and unintentionally overlook your existing or past clients on social media platforms. Interact with your past clients by connecting with them on different social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Like their posts, and leave a comment occasionally to show that you still care about them. They are most likely to recommend your services to their friends and family given that you have already established trust and likeness with them. By nurturing these established relationships, you can ensure a steady stream of referrals and possibly a ton of potential clients.

Expand your Network

Networking is vital in growing your real estate business. Open houses are a realtor's favorite because they are a great way to show properties and meet potential clients. However, with the arrival of the pandemic, virtual tours and online conferences have helped many realtors not only generate leads and survive, but also establish themselves in the challenging real estate market.

Be Consistent

Effective real estate social media marketing requires careful planning. One mistake a lot of agents make is starting a social media strategy and then abruptly quitting it after just a few weeks, making any early advantages they got, useless. To stay consistent, it's essential to form a social media calendar and allocate dedicated time each week to schedule your posts in advance. Many platforms offer scheduling features that allow you to plan your content well ahead. For instance, you could use Canva to create a series of #TriviaTuesday posts using templates and schedule them to be posted every Tuesday. Moreover, you can even shoot most of your video content at the same time, and then edit and schedule to post for specific dates and times throughout the month. By following these tips, you can save hours of content generation and stay consistent at the same time.

Assess Your Results & Test Frequently

By carefully monitoring and analyzing your performance metrics, such as engagement rates, reach, and conversions, you can learn a lot about what works and what doesn't. This allows you to make informed decisions, and optimize your content accordingly to maximize the impact. You should test different variables, like the format of your posts, the timing of your updates, or the messaging in your ads. Social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and even Pinterest offer valuable, professional-level analytics for free. This will in turn enable you to uncover the most effective strategies and continuously improve your social media marketing efforts.

Bonus Tip

The tips mentioned above are a beginner’s guide to navigating the big, ever-growing world of social media. If you want to take a step further and diversify your reach, consider starting a Blog/Podcast/YouTube channel. Generating quality content on these platforms will extend your reach to a broader audience, ensuring your business’s online growth, day by day.

Real Estate Social Media Marketing Platforms

The following are the most popular social media platforms used by realty businesses around the world.


Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook has only grown from strength to strength over the years. It is the best platform for realtors to market their services because it boasts 2.7 billion active users per month. Its user demographics consist of all age groups and income classes, thereby meeting real estate businesses’ target audience. Create a business profile on Facebook to use their real estate-friendly features such as page analytics, appointment bookings, office location, and customer reviews.


Ruled by GenZ, 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business from their account, and 50% of users are more interested in a brand after seeing their ad on Instagram. The GenZ audience loves scrolling through reels, while the millennials show a preference for Instagram stories. This makes the platform a gold mine for realtors if used the right way. Instagram’s recently introduced features such as in-app shopping, reels, story highlights, and more are perfect for small and growing real-estate businesses. This photo-sharing platform is ideal for sharing visually appealing images of your latest listings.


When it comes to building a strong presence on social media, Twitter proves to be a priceless tool for real estate agents to target both, Gen Z and millennials. You can use Twitter in a lot of different ways by implementing a social media strategy. It can involve including links to your own websites, sharing informational content or market updates, developing personal connections. Twitter allows you to connect with a diverse audience, driving growth in your real estate business.


Even though it’s not the best place to meet real estate clients, LinkedIn will help you establish connections with other real estate professionals and industry experts. Create a personal and business profile on the platform to network with agents, brokers, and clients and establish your online presence.

What should real estate agents avoid on social media?

One of the most common mistakes real estate agents should avoid on social media is appearing impersonal, arrogant, or unrelatable. It’s important to avoid posting similar content and not miss out on posting images, videos, or reels to enhance engagement.

What’s your social media game plan? Let us know in the comments.

Christie M

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